Friday, May 23, 2008


I just received my copy today...:)

First, let me say that seeing my works on the latest issue of CURVY is a surreal experience of the Indiana Jones kind. I looove all the previous issues, and have found a lot of gifted, inspiring artists from it ( Just to name a few: Miss Van, Fumi Nakamura, Mathilda Ruta, and Lilly Piri ). So to be featured among this year's batch of artists is just....I don't know what to say. I feel honored, that's for sure. This sounds all so formal and serious, but then I am! It really is an honor.

Thank you Yen Magazine & Curvy Team! *bows*

curvy article scan 1

curvy article scan 2


adeline said...

congrats girlie. is so happy for you!

it is an honour but is totally well-deserved :-)

fadedcrimson said...

Hey, congrats to you too! The girls look awesome as usual. :D I love Kristal's and Celeste's work also.

krissie said...

congrats!do u want pictures of the exhibiton in melb?
email me? then ill send back to u. =]

fadedcrimson said...

Thank you! I just emailed you back haha. <3

imwithsully said...

I would love to get my hands on this magazine. I didn't know it existed. Congratulations on being one of the tops this year. Wow! Impressive.

fadedcrimson said...

Thank you! I was so thrilled to be in.

It's an annual publication for female artists / illustrators / graphic designers from all over the world. The books are published & conceived by Yen magazine. (

They are internationally available at select art bookstores or online