Sunday, December 13, 2009

gingerbread girls






'Gingerbread Girls' is a homespun project put together as my own way to celebrate Christmas and to give a humble gift to close friends and family. My initial idea was to craft a greeting card made of hand-drawn characters which can be perforated off the card ( like paper dolls ) and hung on Christmas trees, or stuck into cupcakes with the help of wooden toothpicks. Greeting cards are often the first thing to go into the trash can once the season ends, so I like the idea that a part of the card will remain and last for years to come, even if the card itself isn't. Since then, I'd encountered issues challenging the idea's practicality, especially the perforation part. In the end, I settled with a panoramic greeting card that comes with dotted lines ( around the characters' outline ) instead of perforation holes. The recipient will have the option to cut the paper dolls out of the card if they wish to. Alternatively, they may keep the card in its original form. 


ch said...

bagus bangettttttttttttt :D

fadedcrimson said...

thank youuuu!

krissie said...

Loveeeeeee it! damn cute. your shadies is damn happening.

fadedcrimson said...

Hehe, thanks krissie!